Germany Adventure – Day 7

Friday 26th September 2014 – Munich & Oktoberfest

After such a big day on Zugspitze yesterday it was an effort to get out of bed however the view of the mountains and the thought of exploring Munich and Oktoberfest soon had us down to breakfast and then off to the train station.  Most of Bavaria gets into Oktoberfest and every train station I was at (including the airport) there were people in traditional dress.  However I decided against wearing my dirndl to breakfast and so after breakfast I changed and we headed off to the station.  The lady must have seen us leave as she came outside to ask “My guess is you are going to Oktoberfest? Yes?”  As we heartily replied that we were she answered “Have fun!” Such a lovely couple indeed to make the extra effort to come out and chat even after talking at breakfast!

Clouds over mountains from balcony

Clouds over mountains from balcony

It seemed we were continuing our luck from yesterday as we missed the last train by ten minutes and so had a half an hour wait for the train.  Connor suggested we go and find somewhere to have a cup of coffee but we decided against leaving the train platform as losing another half an hour would not have been helpful.  However the view of the mountains certainly helped the wait go quickly!

Once on the train we enjoyed being able to see the landscape this time (seeing as it was later at night when we had last done this trip) and did take a “before Oktoberfest photo” not knowing how the day would play out and how we would be looking after our day.

Before Oktoberfest

Before Oktoberfest

Still Before Oktoberfest

Still a “Before Oktoberfest” photo

It didn’t take Connor all that long before he fell asleep on the train (clearly I wasn’t the only one worn out from climbing mountains).  I’m not really one for sleeping on public transport (or even in a car now) and was lucky to have good company in myself 😉 as Connor slept for nearly half an hour!

Munich (15 of 36)

Exploring Munich

We got out at the Central Station and decided to explore Munich on foot at our own pace.  Now if you have ever walked in a city with a street photographer you will understand how my walk with Connor through Munich was.  This walk included checking out alleyways and sides of buildings that had interesting angles and intriguing lighting.  It certainly was an interesting way to view the city and I have certainly found myself now back in England looking at certain man-made objects a lot differently now too.  Street photographers are also on the lookout for interesting people and it was actually kind of impressive how Connor could often sneak a shot while walking past different people and places without missing a step.  This street walk also took us into a place to get a cup of coffee.  We walked in and tried to pick what kind of place it was.  There were coffee machines but also alcohol behind a bar, and long tables in a small space with lots of bowls and decorations that you would use for a party.  Connor ordered a coffee to go when the man replied “Are you sure? Why not stay and take 2 minutes to sit down and relax!”  Well who could deny such an invitation, after all we were really starting to become accustomed to the relaxing pace of Germany.  In Australia there is usually a push for take-away things as it is all about getting as much business as possible and everyone is always trying to rush through their day.  We enjoyed the atmosphere and then Connor got talking to the owner, established that they do have a party business, and got a great photo of him and his bar (his ex-partner was too shy to get in the shot).

Munich (3 of 36) Munich (5 of 36) Munich (4 of 36)

After our nice coffee stop we continued on until we stumbled across Konigsplatz Square (German for “The King’s Square”).  These 19th century buildings were indeed quite impressive and have an interesting history.  If you want to read more check out the middle of this blog (The blog also talks about other sites in Munich and Neuschwanstein Castle including photos of the inside of the castle and photos outside with snow!).

Munich (11 of 36) Munich (9 of 36)After admiring some of the artwork left out for people to enjoy we explored an Egyptian Museum and there was indeed a lot to see.   I kept my jacket on as walking through a museum in a dirndl seemed a little disrespectful.  Sadly we didn’t get to see all of it the whole way through or explore Munich as much as we liked as we had decided that we were going to go to Oktoberfest that afternoon.

Munich (18 of 36) Munich (27 of 36) Munich (28 of 36) Munich (31 of 36) Munich (34 of 36) Munich (36 of 36)

But first it was time for lunch (attending a beer festival before eating didn’t seem very appealing).  We had an excellent lunch at a small restaurant, with music playing and once more great food! (I am still missing the food in Germany).  Then we were off to Oktoberfest!



Oktoberfest is like a giant show in Munich (Connor said it reminded him a lot of Brisbane’s Ekka) just with more beer and costumes.  Most people are dressed in a dirndl or lederhosen (girls are able to wear either) and the majority of people are already quite cheery when they get there from pre-drinking (even pre-drinking on the trains).  There were more people in the one place than I had seen in a long time and walking through the crowds was difficult.  The lines to get into the beer halls or onto the rides were quite long (a mixture between drunk adults and kids enjoying themselves and showing off on these rides).  We had a look around and soaked up the atmosphere but it was very hectic (I definitely recommend going with a group if ever you decided to go to Oktoberfest).  Now during Oktoberfest the standard drink is a 1L Maß glass of bier (which is our heavy beer) however Steve also informed me that they often have competitions as to who can drink the 3L glass the quickest using machines to help pump the beer into your body faster.  It is no wonder there are a lot of people who end up in hospital with alcohol poisoning during the weeks this event is on!

Bucket List Worthy - Drinking a Maß in a dirndl at Oktoberfest

Bucket List Worthy – Drinking a Maß in a dirndl at Oktoberfest

Munich Beer Garden

Munich Beer Garden

German train timetable

German Train Timetable

To end the evening we found a nice pub-style restaurant and enjoyed one of the nicest roast pork and crackling I have had and more of the sweet bier that I actually liked! (Yes Dad was proud to hear that story).  It might have been nice beer but I still couldn’t drink a litre of it and so Connor graciously helped me with this challenge.  We then got our Oktoberfest cookie and some added lollies for the train ride home, read the German train timetable and hopped on the train to Garmish.

This train was strangely enough at a different platform to the two we had been on previously and looked a lot fancier.  As Connor assumed we were probably in first class I immediately wanted to get off and get on the right train.  But Connor stubbornly refused and wanted an adventure (having managed to talk his way into first class on a train previously) and so I was persuaded into staying (against my better judgement and instincts to get off the train).

We soon got going and then eventually realised we were on an ICE train – an expensive across country train that goes faster than the standard trains and doesn’t stop at as many places (such as Farchant).  I also remembered that our train ticket DID NOT cover the ICE line!

We were on the wrong train

We were on the wrong train

Sure enough the ticket lady came over and wasn’t overly impressed when she saw we had the wrong ticket.  Connor worked his magic (I was staying well and truly out of this one and for the first time grateful for my complete lack of German although her English was quite good) and managed to get away with only having to pay for one ticket on the train rather than two (but still more than an all-day group ticket for four people on the regular train lines).  The lady was quite nice and we found we had made a friend as she was quite understanding, she was just simply doing her job.  We settled in to enjoy our lollies – only to find that they were absolutely horrible and perhaps in our tipsy state we were not thinking clearly when we decided to buy them!

After Oktoberfest

After Oktoberfest

At least being an ICE train the trip went fast, although it of course did not stop at Farchant and so we had to get off at Garmish and once more take a taxi back.  Therefore I am not sure if really saved too much time at all in the long run!  Nonetheless it was a great day and only a little dampened by the recollection of knowing tomorrow we were leaving Germany.

Sunset in Germany

Sunset in Germany

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